Creating Separation

Nanice Ellis

Creating Separation

It is no secret that Separation causes Suffering; but how exactly do we cause separation?

Here is a short list of some of the best ways to create separation:

Make others wrong.
Try to make others to do the things we think they should do.
Believe we know better.
Not listen.
Be distracted.
Close our hearts - inhibit our love.
Threaten others.
Make others prove themselves (that they are worthy).
Think we should have power over others.
Try to control others and control situations.

Feel sorry for someone (see them as powerless).
Shift responsibility onto others.
Lie, cheat or steal.
Withhold our feelings.
Judge someone in any way.
Hold a grudge.
Talk or think badly about someone.
Not pay attention

Here's how to connect and create oneness:
Respect Others.
Allow people to do things the way they want to do them.
Honor the beliefs of others even if we don't agree.
Really Listen.
Allow others the space to express themselves.
Be Present.
Open our hearts - love without inhibitions.
Support others.
See others as unconditionally worthy.
See others as equally powerful.
Allow people to be who they are.
Have compassion for others (yet see their power and perfection).
Take responsibility.
Be in integrity.
Express feelings.
Accept others.
Work together.
Talk and think positively about others.
Pay Attention.

In grace & gratitude,

About this article

published on by Nanice

Categorized as: Awakening Your Spiritual Self

Tagged as:

#Short and sweet #Personal Development #Oneness #Journey of Self #Compassion #Communication

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