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Nanice Ellis
In order to become authentically Self Less, we must first pass through self-fullness. If we are overlooking our own needs and putting our selves last so that we can be self less, we may be putting the cart before the horse.
Many people try to be self less because they lack the sense of knowing their worth, and they naturally degrade themselves and negate their own personal needs. This is not self less.
When we put others first because we feel unworthy to put ourselves first,
sooner or later, we become resentful because our needs remain unmet -
and those we give to, don't give back. We end up depleted and empty.
Eventually, knowing that something has to change
and we have to change it,
we decide to start putting our needs first.
We begin to take better care of ourselves, set boundaries and
teach others how to be in relationship with us.
We become Self Full.
Ultimately, we experience a sense of wholeness,
where love for ourselves and others overflows naturally.
From fullness, we have an intrinsic desire to give and share
what we have an abundance of.
Since we are now connected to the Source of who we really are,
we experience unlimited energy and enthusiasm.
Once our needs are completely met
and we are connected to Source,
an unexpected thing occurs.
When we no longer need anything from anyone
because we are completely fulfilled, we disappear.
We become Divinely Selfless.
From Absolute Fullness, our only desire is to serve
and it is done with unconditional love
because that is who we really are.
This is the Journey to Divine Selflessness
In grace & gratitude,
Nanice Ellis
published on by Nanice
Categorized as: DivineSpirations
Tagged as: #Source Energy #Short and sweet #Personal Development #Journey of Self #Inner Divinity #Helping Others
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