Instant Manifestation

Nanice Ellis

Would you like more instant manifestations?

The key is to be clear and responsible with all your thoughts.

Most of us are careless with the thoughts we think about ourselves and others. If every thought manifested, we would likely create a great deal of trouble for everyone involved. Imagine getting angry at your friend for forgetting your birthday and then having thoughts of revenge. If everything got instantly manifested, your friend, and you, might experience significant challenges or worse. Luckily the Universe does not work this way.

There is a Buffer of Grace between our thoughts and what our thoughts create.

Let's face it, we really don't want anything bad to happen to anyone - especially someone we love and cherish; and we especially don't want to be the cause of it.

About 15 years ago I began to see how easily my thoughts were manifesting in the physical world - and to be honest, all my thoughts were not of the highest vibration at that time, so I had a conversation with the Universe to increase what I now call this Buffer of Grace - until I could be responsible for all my thoughts. For years I worked on thinking only thoughts that were in harmony with Love, and as my thoughts harmonized, I was back to manifesting things on the fly (so to speak).

If you want more instant manifestation, it is of vital importance that you get your thoughts in order. Don't allow your thoughts to think you - or your issues and needs to run your life. Your Power lies in your ability to choose thoughts that align with the highest and best version of who you really are.

If you are not there yet, don't be hard on yourself - that is just counterproductive.
Instead, let your real and only work be about purifying and harmonizing all your thoughts
so that you can create exactly what you want and you are happy with all your creations.

 In grace & gratitude,

About this article

published on by Nanice

Categorized as: Manifestation, DivineSpirations

Tagged as:

#Personal Power #Manifestation and Co-Creation #Healing - Mind, Soul and Body Healing #God Stuff #Conscious Creator

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