Letting Go is Insidious

Nanice Ellis

Letting go is insidious.
It goes deeper than deep.
Just when you think that you have let go of everything,
something more appears.
Things that you couldn't possibly let go,
they tug at you - to save their lives.
But your life depends on letting them go.
Not the life that you have known
but the life
that awaits you.
Not the life of struggle or strife,

but the life of infinite freedom and unlimited possibility.
The only thing standing between you and it,
is everything.
You cannot pass through the gateless gate,
with anything - real or imagined.

You may only pass empty handed
and empty hearted.
Only then can you emerge in true life.

You must let go of everything.
If you hold onto but a single thread of silk, or the dearest relationship,
no passage is forthcoming.
You are enslaved to all that you possess.
You must even let go of the spiritual teacher, path or teachings that led you here.
You must first be free in order to taste the nectar of freedom.
No pretending, no fooling.
You must give everything in order to attain Nothing.
This is Awakening.

In grace & gratitude,

Excerpt from My Spiritual Journey Part 9

To read all of Part 9, go to http://www.nanice.com/article/498/Spiritual-Journey-Part-9-Letting-Go/

To begin at Part 1 - go to http://www.nanice.com/article/488/Spiritual-Journey-Part-1/

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published on Nanice.com by Nanice

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#Spirituality #Short and sweet #Letting Go

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