
Nanice Ellis

Tammara's Dream

As you give so shall you receive. One's giving is limited to the amount one can receive. Receive more - Give more. Receive more - Give more. Imagine a full integration of giving and receiving as the same thing - swirling together in an ocean of oneness. If you suppress one, the other one is also suppressed. If you limit the expression of one in any way, the other is also limited. When you allow both full expression, they exponentially multiple through infinity. In such, they dance together in every way without hesitation, excuse, apology or separation. Can you hear the music they dance to? As you Receive so shall you Give. As you Give so shall you Receive. Meditate deeply on this..... deeper still..... swimming deeper and deeper into universal truth. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give. As you give so shall you receive. As you receive so shall you give.

..............................................................and on and on without end............

In grace & gratitude,

About this article

published on Nanice.com by Nanice

Categorized as: Awakening Your Spiritual Self

Tagged as:

#The Language of the Universe #Soul Stuff #Short and sweet #Imagination

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