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Nanice Ellis
The Sweetest Awakening
are many forms of Awakening.
The one that is always accessible to everyone is the awakening of love.
This is the sweetest awakening.
The one that causes the least havoc on one's life,
and the one that can make the most profound difference in healing, happiness,
and effecting real and positive change on the planet.
It's also very simple.
It means Letting Go long enough for the love that is you -
to flow through your body, mind and spirit.
Fear keeps the love from flowing.
Judgement, which is another name for fear, keeps the love from flowing.
Wherever love does not flow, there is pain.
The pain is not a punishment.
The pain is information that there is a place in our lives
where we are inhibiting love.
In those stuck places, the answer is always forgiveness.
In forgiving, we GIVE Up what was imprisoning us or holding us back from love.
And the love flows...
Everyone is awakening now.
Some quickly and some slowly.
Everyone is on the journey to awakening -
because the pain to stay asleep and block love is becoming too intense,
and that is the point.
That is the way it was divinely designed
so that no one would be left behind.
You get to decide if you are on the Slow Love Train
or the Super Love Express...
that's where the party's at!
In grace & gratitude,
published on by Nanice
Categorized as: Poetry, Forgiveness, DivineSpirations, Awakening Your Spiritual Self
Tagged as: #True Forgiveness #The Heart of Love #Short and sweet #Letting Go #Judgment #Beliefs, Stories and All That! #Awakening
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